L0phtCrack helps the military, government, corporations, and universities secure their NT/2000 computers

Several Internet RFCs relating to computer security recommend password auditing or "cracking" to ensure adequate password security. SANS Top Ten Security Problems (June 19, 2000) listed user accounts with no or weak passwords as the 8th highest critical internet security problem. They also listed L0phtCrack as the tool for the job. Windows 2000 Magazine lists "Use Password Crackers" on their NT Server Security Checklist. Guess which tool is listed as the favorite. L0phtCrack of course! You can read more about what the security experts are saying about L0phtCrack in the news.

Password auditting is the only way to find user accounts with no or weak passwords. As security professionals we ran an audit of one of the largest high tech companies in the world. This is what we found:

  • L0phtCrack cracked 90% of the passwords in under 48 hours on a Pentium II/300.
  • 18% of the passwords were cracked in under 10 minutes.
  • The Administrator and most of the Domain Admin passwords were cracked.
  • This company had a policy requiring passwords longer than 8 characters, with at least one upper case character plus a numeric or symbol character.

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L0pht Crack Ver 2.02 (executable)
L0pht Crack Ver 2.02 (source code)
PPTP (This will sniff PPTP authentication and output the challenge and password hashes just like our readsmb sniffer that comes with the l0phtcrack distribution. This version works with any unix that has libpcap. It also include an active attack which exploits a flaw in MS-CHAP to get the password hashes without the overhead of cracking the challenge/response. Written by Aleph One. )
PPTP Sniffer (This will sniff PPTP authentication and output the challenge and password hashes just like our readsmb sniffer that comes with the l0phtcrack distribution. This only works with Solaris 2.4+. )
SAMDUMP (Use to extract pasword hashes from SAM files)
PWDUMP (Use to extract pasword hashes from registry)
l0pht Crack 2.0 Manual
l0pht Crack 2.0 FAQ