-------------------------------- Known Federal BBS's by: mechanic -------------------------------- This is a compiled list of known Federal BBS's, have fun =] AGRICULTURE DEPT Agriculture Library 301-504-6510/301-504-5496 Biological Impact Assessment 703-231-3858/800-624-2723 Commercial Information Delivery Service (Must subscribe first: 202-720-5505) Economic Research Service 800-821-6229 Human Nutrition Information Service 301-436-5078 IndiaNET (USDA & EPA) 605-393-0468 AIR FORCE DEPT Air Force Small Business BBS 800-821-6229 (type SIGNUP) Small Computer Support Center 406-731-2503 ULANA BBS (AF Engrg Installation) 405-736-0928 ULANA II (AF Engrg Installation) 405-741-0824 Competition Advocate (AF Space Command) (Call voice first: 719-554-5325) Standard Systems Center 205-416-5651 Hill AFB 801-774-6509 Argonne National Laboratory 708-252-8241 ARMY DEPT Integration & Analysis Center (IMA) 703-285-6400/6401 Automated Specification Criteria (Corps 916-557-7997/800-445-8644 of Engrs) Data Distribution System (Engrg & 703-355-2185 Housing Supp Ctr) Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MDW) 202-475-7543 Software Engrg Support BBS (Army Sfw Ctr) 703-285-9637 Bureau of Mines (Minerals production) 202-501-0373 Bureau of Prisons 202-514-6102 CENSUS BUREAU Census BEA Electronic Forum 301-763-7554 Census Personnel BBS 301-763-4574 COAST GUARD Coast Guard Online Magazine & News 202-267-4644 Global Positioning System BBS 703-866-3894/703-313-5910 COMMERCE DEPT Radio Frequency Mgmt Issues (NTIA) 202-482-1199 Economic BBS 202-482-3870 Planning & Budget BBS 202-482-1423 Customs Service 703-440-6155 DC Government 202-727-6668 DEFENSE DEPT ADA Information Clearinghouse 703-614-0215 Export License I 703-697-6109 DISA Acquisition Clearinghouse 618-256-9200 DISA Info Technology Acquisition 618-744-8787 DOD IGNet 703-604-5768 Defense Logistics Agency DASC-ZE BBS 703-274-5863 Defense Mapping Agency NAVINFONET BBS 301-227-4424 (Marine advisories) Defense Technology Security Admin ELISA I 703-697-6109 (Export license status) EDUCATION DEPT Educational Research & Improvement 202-219-2011 National Education BBS 800-222-4922/202-219-1511 ENERGY DEPT Megawatts 202-586-0739 Civilian Radioactive Waste Mgmt Infolink (Call voice first: 800-225-6972) Energy Information Admin BA BBS 202-586-2557 Office of Fossil Energy FE Telenews 202-586-6496 Office of Minority Economic Impact 800-543-2325/202-586-1561 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) EPA Region 4 404-347-1767 EPA Region 10 206-553-2241 Alternative Treatment Tech Info 301-670-3813/3808 Center (ATTIC) Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds 301-589-0205 Pesticide Information Network 703-305-5919 Pollution Prevention BBS 800-658-8815/703-506-1025 Research & Development BBS 513-569-7610/800-258-9605 Technology Transfer Network 919-541-1447/919-541-5742 Cleanup Information 301-589-8366 Solid Waste Management 800-544-1936 EPA/NOAA Gulfline 800-235-4662/601-688-2677 Ocean & Coastal Protection 202-260-8482 Division CoastNet Online Library System (OLS) 919-549-0700 (2400) (NOTE: 7-E-1 HALF Duplex) 919-549-0720 (9600) Office of Air Quality Planning 919-541-1325 Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling 706-546-3402 Export-Import Bank - EXIMBANK BBS 202-566-4699 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Air Traffic Operations Service 202-267-5331 Air Transport Division 202-267-5231 FAA Airports 202-267-5205 FAA Headquarters BBS 202-267-5697 Navigation & Landing 202-267-6547 Office of Environment & Energy 202-267-9647 FAA Safety Exchange 800-426-3814 Orlando Flight Service District 407-648-6309 Office Pilot Examiner 405-684-4530/405-954-4530 Portland Master Minimum Equipment 207-780-3297 List FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FCC State Link 202-632-1361 FCC Public Access Link 301-725-1072 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Hazardous Materials 708-972-3275 State/Local Emergency Management 202-646-2887 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: Issuance Posting System 202-208-1397 Federal Highway Administration FEEBS 202-366-3764 Federal Information Exchange FEDIX 800-232-4879 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Dallas: Federal Reserve Economic Data 214-922-5199 Minneapolis: Electronic Database 612-340-2489 St. Louis: Federal Reserve Economic Data 314-621-1824 FEDERAL SUPPLY SERVICE Automated Product Listing Service 703-305-6570 Multiuse File For Interagency News 202-205-3890 Food & Drug Administration 301-443-7496 Government Accounting Office GAO WATCHDOG 202-371-2455 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Quick Epicenter Determination 800-358-2663 Geological Survey BBS/CD-ROM Info 703-648-4168 Government Printing Office FEDERAL BULLETIN BOARD 202-512-1387 GPS Global Positioning 703-866-3890 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Cooperative Administrative Support 202-653-7516 Program Consumer Information Center 202-208-7679 GSA Schedule 202-501-7254 Office of IRM OFIRM BBS 202-208-7484 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DEPT Administration for Children & Families 202-401-5800 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse 202-289-4112 Office of the Asst Secretary of Health 202-690-5423 Social Security Administration 410-965-1133 (Annual Wage Reporting BBS) Social Security Administration 410-966-5051 Housing & Urban Development Dept 202-708-3563 INTERIOR DEPT Fish & Wildlife Service 303-226-9365 Geological Survey 703-648-4168 Indian Health Service 401-443-9517 Office of Environmental Affairs 202-208-7119 Offshore Statistics & Information 703-787-1225 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ISM Support Information System 202-219-9977 Statistics of Income 202-874-9574 Martinsburg Info Reporting Project 304-263-2749 JUSTICE DEPT Criminal Justice Reference Service 301-738-8895 SEARCH-BBS 916-392-4640 LABOR DEPT Labor News 202-219-4784 Office of Public Affairs 202-523-4784 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS News Service 202-707-3854 Automated Library Information 202-707-4888 Maritime Admin/Market Promotion 202-366-8505 NAPO/AIDS Info & Reports 202-690-5423 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS & SPACE ADMIN Marshall Space Flight Ctr NASA SPACELINK 205-895-0028 NASA JSC Houston 713-483-5817 NASA JPL 818-354-1333 National Archives FREND (Fed. Register 202-275-0920 Electronic News Delivery) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS & TECHNOLOGY Center for Fire Research 301-990-2272 Computer Security 301-948-5140/5717 Data Management Information 301-948-2059/2048 North American ISDN Users Forum 301-869-7281 National Institutes of Health PC BULL 301-480-8400 NIH Information Center 301-480-5144 NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMIN Space Environment Lab 303-497-5000 Marine Data Computer 301-713-4573 Environmental Services Data Directory 205-606-4666 NOAA Library 303-497-5848 National Geo Data Center 303-497-7319 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Fed. R&D, Tech Labor Market Stats 202-634-1764 Science & Technology Information 202-357-0359 System National Tech. Info. Service (NTIS) FEDWorld 703-321-8970/8020 National Tele. & Info Admin 202-482-1199 National Weather Service 301-899-0827 NAVY DEPT IRM College Recruitment BBS 804-445-2104/804-843-4093 Online Automated System 804-445-1627 ADA Technical Support BBS 804-444-7841 Naval Reserve Force BBS 504-254-7776 JAGNet 703-325-0748 CINCLANTFLT BBS 804-445-1146 COMNAVSURFPAC/COMNAVAIRPAC 619-556-0135/0136 COMSUBLANT 804-445-8657 Defense Energy Information System (DEIS) 805-982-5300/805-984-0686 NAS Pax River (MilECHO MetroLink) 301-826-4805 Fleet Imaging BBS 804-433-2534 General Purpose Electronic Test Equipment 301-862-8048 (GPETE) Naval Aviation Maintenance Office, 301-826-3626 Pax River Naval Air Warfare Center, Indianapolis 317-351-4992 Naval Energy BBS 805-985-5062 Naval Justice School 401-841-3990 Pacific Missile Test Center 805-989-8722 SIMA, Portsmouth, VA 804-396-0158 Office of Government Ethics 202-523-1186 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT OPM Mainstreet............. 202 606-4800 Fed Personnel Issues, Policy, & Job Info from OPM's Agencywide/Nationwide BBS Federal Jobline......... 818 575-6521 Fed Pers & Job Info from OPM's Western Region BBS Fed Job Opp Board (FJOB) 912 757-3100 Fed Pers & Job Info from OPM's Macon, GA Service Ctr FEDJOBS................. 215 580-2216 Fed Pers & Job Info from OPM's Philadelphia Region BBS PayPerNet ............ 202 606-2675/1876 Fed. Pay & Per. Mgmt Info from OPM WASNET ................. 202 606-1113 OPM Wash Area Serv Ctr BBS; phone first: 202-606-1848 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SBA DC Metro 202-401-9600 SBA National 800-697-INFO SBA Internal 202-205-6269 STATE DEPT Automated License Status System 703-875-7350 Consular Affairs 202-647-9225 Passport Info/Travel Alerts 202-647-9225 PerManNet 703-715-9806 TREASURY DEPT/Financial Management Service Inventory Rates 202-287-0767 Federal Bond Approvals 202-287-1295/202-874-7214 U.S. CONGRESS Federal Whistleblower BBS 202-225-5527 U.S. COURTS 1st Circuit Court of Appeals 617-223-4640 4th Circuit Court of Appeals 804-771-8084 5th Circuit Court of Appeals 504-589-6850 6th Circuit Court of Appeals 513-684-2842 7th Circuit Court of Appeals 312-435-5560 8th Circuit Court of Appeals 314-539-3576 9th Circuit Court of Appeals 415-744-9022 U.S. District Court E Pennsylvania 215-597-0646 DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS American Veterans Network 410-761-3406 United States Veterans BBS 612-588-7563 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- visit the DMS homepage at http://www.javanet.com/~mechanic grab some more of our files at www.javanet.com/~mechanic/dms/ mail us at mechanic.javanet.com ūthis has been a txt from DMSū