-------------------------------- how to get someone's info part 2 :using legal methods on the www: by mechanic -------------------------------- In an earlier article I wrote, I told you how to get someone's info from the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) by social engineering. This is going to be a continuing series, this is part 2. Ever wanted to know more about people, businesses, etc... but were too timid to do a little social engineering, or just didn't know how to do it? Well in this file I will try to show you how to gather information, or intelligence, on persons, aka "pulling docs", from just using a web browser, and some creativity. The new era is here, almost all of our information that we think is private, is held somewhere on the internet, chunks of it here, tidbits of it there, in most cases it is public info, you just have to know where to look. Today's private investigators use these types of online services to do backround checks, and so do businesses, etc. Maybe even the guy you just bought the car from. Before you start searching, I reccomend reading "The Investigator's Little Black Book", it has TONS of information in this book. You can find more about the book at http://www.pacificnet.net/~blackbook Another site I suggest you take a look at is the Private Investiga- tion Homepage, ay http://www.pihome.com . This site has links to practical search sites, and even some tools to get you started on gathering informa- tion. The Directory of Database Services site is a good place to find what you may be looking for. They have bibliographic, corporate, and gov't in- formation is all here, a real nice commercial database at http://www.jmg.gu.se/Nora_Paul/cardirec.htm#TYPE Telnet to nex.lexis-nexis.com, they are like a TRW but a whole lot more. To get free information is kinda hard through this, but if you hack it, welp... lets say that you'll get more for your dollar. If you do hack it, write something up on it and send it to us and we will publish it, information was meant to be free, and that's what one of the main purposes of DMS is, to keep it free, and to keep you informaed. A good Newsgroup to look into to find out other ways to get infor- mation on people is alt.private.investigator þÅþ These next few sites will provide you with maps, street maps, geographic, and color maps of the place you tell it to show you a map of, very helpful. Big Book Maps http://map.bigbook.com/cgi-bin/navigator_map How Far Is It? http://www.indo.com/distance Lycos Road Map http://www.proximous.com/lycos/index.htm/ Map Quest http://www.mapquest.com Xerox Map Search http://pubweb.parc.xerox.com/map þÅþ Telephone type searches, to find area codes, and phone numbers 555-1212.com http://www.555-1212.com/ACLOOKUP/ Dir of AT&T's 800 #'s http://www.att.net/dir800 L-D Area Decoder http://www.xmission.com/~americom/aclookup.html þÅþ Package Trackers; find where that package is and when it got there. FedEx http://www.fedex.com/track_it.html UPS http://www.ups.com/tracking/tracking.html þÅþ Travel Trackers Travel Time http://www.vais.net/~traveltim þÅþ E-mail address finders E-mail add. tools http://twod.med.harvard.edu/labgc/roth/ emailsearch.html Finding an e-m address http://sunsite.unc.edu/~masha Finding e-m add.'s FAQ http://www.quics.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/finding.html Bigfoot http://www.bigfoot.com The e-mail address book http://www.vpm.com/~emailbook ESP http://www.esp.co.uk Four11 http://www.four11.com Internet address finder http://www.iaf.com Netfind http://www.nove.edu/Inter-Links/netfind.html Okra net.citizen Dr serv http://okra.ucr.edu/okra USENET addresses (MIT) http://usenet-addresses.mit.edu WW Profile Registry DB http://www.wizard.com/wwpr.html College e-m addresses http://www.nova.edu/Inter-Links/cgi-bin/ coll-email.pl Find an e-mail address on AOL mail NameSearch@aol.com Find an e-mail address on Compuserve http://ourworld.compuserve.com/search/search.html þÅþ Finding Names / Home and Business Addresses / Phone Numbers ABI Yellow Pages on AOL keyword ABI BigBook http://www.bigbook.com ProCD Select Phone http://www.procd.com Search America http://www.searchamerica.com Computrace on compuserv: go trace MetroNet http://www.jmg.gu.se/Nora_Paul/cardirec.html#Met Switchboard http://www.switchboard.com Telephone Dir's : net http://www.procd.com/hl1direct.htm Telephone Dir's : web http://www.c2.org/~buttle/te/ Allinone Search : people http://www.albany.net/allinone/alluser.html#People Finding people on the net http://www.nova.edu/Inter-Links/ploe.html Internet Search F.P.N. http://www.intbc.com/sleuth/ InterNIC White Pages Dir http://www.internic.net/ds/dspgwp.html Ultimate White Pages http://www.angelfire.com/pages0/ultimates Yahoo! Individual Finders http://www.yahoo.com/Reference/White_Pages/ Individuals Big Yellow http://www.bigyellow.com CCSO Phoneservice lookup http://www.uiuc.edu/cgi-bin/phlookup? KnowBot Info Services http://info.chri.reston.va.us/kis.html Lookup USA http://www.lookupusa.com WhoWhere?! http://www.whowhere.html World E-mail Directory http://worldemail.com Yahoo! People Search http://www.yahoo.com/search/people People Finder http://www.stokesworld.com/peoplefinder/ people.html Classmates http://www.classmates.com Alumni http://www.halcyon.com/investor/alumni.htm ReunionNet http://www.reunited.com Seeker Magazine http://www.the-seeker.com soc.net-people USENET soc.net-people Dept. of veterans affairs http://www.va.gov Military City Online http://www.militarycity.com alt.genealogy USENET alt.genealogy Geneology SF http://genealogy.emcee.com Adoption Network http://www.infi.net/adopt þÅþ Backround checking F.O.I. Kit http://www.eff.org/pub/activism/foia Public Records databases http://www.hvu.nl/~puerweij/nora/carpeopl.htm Access Indian Info Net http://www.state.in.us CDB Infotek http://www.cdb.com Information America http://www.infoam.com Info Network of Kansas http://www.ink.org/ink-index.cgi Public Data Corp http://www.pdcny.com P.R.D. on Westlaw http://www.westpub.com/PubRecWL/prwldocn.htm Crossroads State Gov't http://seamless.com/roadstat.html State Gov't Link Access http://www.law.indiana.edu/law/v-lib/states.html State Search http://www.state.ky.us/nasire/NASIREhome.html Vital Records http://www.familytreemaker.com/00000825.html Vital Records http://www.nvi.net/search/natvit.html S.S. Death Index http://www.infobases.com/ssdi/query01.htm SSN Server http://www2.smart.net/mcurtis-cgi-bin/ssn.html Veris SSN Valid. Services http://www.veris-ssn.com Drivers & Vehicle Srchs http://www.docusearch.com/driver.html#plate Driver & MV Histories http://www.uvi.net/search/drivers.html FAA Aircraft Reg. DBase http://www.via.net/test.html Internet DMV http://www.ameri.com/dmv/dmv.htm License Plate Type http://www.premanos.com/standards/X12/index/ segments/elements/e11423.html Credit Reporting Agencies http://www.teleport.com/~richh/agency.html EZ-Credit Software http://www.tearamp.net/~mduplissey IQUE Inc. http://www.ique.com TRW Consumer Credit http://www.trw.com/iss/is/isdiv.html CopNet http://police.sas.ab.ca Get Your FBI File http://pages.ripco.com:8080/~glr/fbi.html FedWorld http://www.fedworld.gov þÅþ Finger Gateways On The WWW cei.haag.umkc.edu/people/brett/finger.html www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/finger.pl www.crl.dec.com/cgi-bin/finger www.interlink.no/finger www.cs.indiana.edu/finger/gateway www.middlebury.edu/~otisg/cgi/HyperFinger.cgi on AOL keyword: Control + F þÅþ Finding USENET Posts these will see if someone has ever posted to any newsgroups, and the posts they made. www.intbc.com/sleuth/usen.html www.dejanews.com www.reference.com For the next few months I will be making regular updates to this file. As well as explaining other ways to pull a person's docs, such as CNA, social engineering, hacking, etc... keep in touch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- visit the DMS homepage at http://www.javanet.com/~mechanic grab some more of our files at www.javanet.com/~mechanic/dms/ mail us at mechanic.javanet.com þthis has been a txt from DMSþ