File Created: February 1997 Voice Support Model 8 v5.10 Part I Introduction/Reports Prompt By: andrewr Helped: The Mechanic Written for: Digital Misfit Syndicate (DMS) ******************************************************************************* Intro ===== Welcome to the first installment of the ?? part series of information on the Voice Support Model 8 version 5.10. This information has been obtained, compiled, and explained all by me, andrewr, along with much help from The Mechanic. This first part of this "Who knows how long this will take.." series deals with mainly introducing the Dial-up to Voice Support as well as the Reports section of the system. The other parts will include info on other parts of the system. Hopefully this file will make sense, but I don't count on it because I am writing it at 3:00 am on a Sunday night..oh well. Have fun reading this INFORMATIONAL ONLY text file (Hint..Hint). What is Voice Support Model 8 v5.10(VSM8 v5.10)? ================================================ In order to explain what VSM8 v5.10 is, you must first understand what Voice is.......... Voice is a normal VMS that runs on a pc and is used to handle voice mail boxes (vmb's) as well as phone extensions. This program is used at schools/businesses/anything else that needs to have a many phone extensions and mail boxes. Most of these schools/businesses/?? are using this program on a phone system that was setup for that school/business/??. Therefore, there are router numbers, a PBX, and other interesting little things that can make any sort of phreak go nuts. Now the VSM8 is the dial-up support to this program. The phone adminastrator or any person who needs to add extensions/boxes/announcements/other things uses this dial-up in order to make this changes away from the main computer that is running Voice. It allows people with the password to make changes easily without having to travel across a business or across a campus to make a two second change. Also, this program can show the phone traffic for different extensions/vmb's. All in all this program is very helpful for the person who runs the system or person who need access to different areas of Voice. But also it can be very helpful to those who know how have fun. Since Voice is usually running on its own exchange, there is usually a PBX to be found. Since VSM8 can show anyone the extension traffic, as you will see, a person can easily find and 'sploit the PBX. Also, anyone who is dialing out has their Caller-ID blocked. The only people who know you called them are the log files, but since most of these darn admin's are blatantly stupid, there are ways around getting caught. Anyway on to the actual explaination of the Login menu and the Reports menu. Logging In ========== VSM8 is very easy to log into and somewhat search out the system. But in order to modify or find any very helpful (hint) info, you must know a standard password. Anyway, when you dial the number, you end up with a blank screen. You must press enter and then you will receive a little message stating: For a menu of valid commands: Press H, Enter *And then a prompt: MAIN MENU-> This is the main prompt where you can do either of 8 things: 1) Install System (IN) 2) Customize Database (CU) 3) View/Print Reports (RP) 4) Maintenance (MA) 5) Diagnostics (DI) 6) Full Screen Monitor (FSE) 7) Shut Down VMS (SD) 8) Exit VSM8 (E or EX) All of these options are shown in the help screen when you type H, except for the Exit command. This is shown in: V5.10 ********* VoiceSupport Model 8 ******** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Press command below, To use: You will get this | | then press Enter: prompt at the cursor: | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | IN Install System INSTALL-> | | CU Customize Database CUSTOMIZE-> | | RP View/Print Reports REPORTS-> | | MA Maintenance MAINTENANCE-> | | DI Diagnostics DIAGNOSTICS-> | | FSE Full Screen Editor | | SD Shut Down Voice Mail System | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > After you select a command, the system may ask for a password (except when you use RP). The communications manager can give you the password. > For help on using the "Help" command: Press H, space, H, Enter Then the MAIN MENU-> prompt will be shown. Every option except for the View/Print Reports option has a password on it. Most likely this will be the same password for everything. But, this login/main screen is easy enough to understand and test out. I have found out that the passwords are a maximum of 8 characters long and the password= prompt will time out after five seconds of being idle. Very odd, but semi-ok security. I do not know (yet) whether the Passwords are case sensitive...etc etc. Anyway, this opening screen is interesting in another way. By how it states: > After you select a command, the system may ask for a password (except when you use RP). The communications manager can give you the password. The communications manager can give you the password???!!??? Hmm, well go ahead and ask the manager, if you have the balls ;) I do not think that this is a wise decision, especially if you want to create your own boxes and try and figure out the PBX, as well as just plain old foolin' with the system. It is way too obvious, plus, it takes the fun out of figuring out the password. Now, onto the main part of this first installment of the VSM8 text file! View/Print Reports ================== The View/Print Reports option is the section of the VSM8 not protected by a password. This is plainly stated in the Main Menu screen above. Therefore, it is a good place to start to try and find out as much info as possible on the phone/vms system and the VSM8 program. At the Main Menu-> prompt you must type RP in order to get to the View/Print Reports area. Once you do so, you get another ASCII menu: MAIN MENU->RP ******* VIEW/PRINT REPORTS Menu ******* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Press command below, To view (display) this | | then press Enter: report: | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SO System Options | | PO/PU Port Options/Usage | | MO Mailbox Options | | MD/ML Mailbox Dir. (by Type)/List (Numerical)| | MC/MA Mailbox Call Handling Flags/Access | | MU/MS Mailbox Message Usage/Status | | CO/CL Callout Options/Log | | AAP/AAT Auto Attendant per Port/Trunk | | AST Answering Schedule Table | | DAT Dial Action Table | | DL Distribution Lists | | ER Error/Activity Log | | AL All Reports | | E To Exit to MAIN Menu | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To print all data in a report: Press command, space, -P, Enter > For help on using the "Help" command: Press H, space, H, Enter As you can see, one can find out all sorts of information about the system just by reading the reports which are *for* the reading! On to the first option, System Options (SO): REPORTS->SO SYSTEM OPTIONS Tenant 1 Site ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ************ (Blocked by andrewr for privacy) Tenant 2 Site ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tenant 3 Site ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tenant 4 Site ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time limit for mailbox logon . . . . . . . . 5 sec Limit on mailbox logon attempts . . . . . . . 3 Auto disk maintenance time . . . . . . . . . 02:30 Day for auto disk defragmentation . . . . . . Su Silence limit for recording . . . . . . . . . 5 sec Mailbox Default Security Code . . . . . . . . 0000 Time limit for dialing commands . . . . . . . 5 sec Limit on dialing command attempts . . . . . . 3 sec Subscriber msg length . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 sec Nonsubscriber msg length . . . . . . . . . . 180 sec Call Announce msg length . . . . . . . . . . 30 sec Greeting for qck msg/mailbox trf . . . . . . Yes RNA, Hold retrieval string . . . . . . . . . FP Busy, Hold retrieval string . . . . . . . . . FP >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< RNA, External Hold retrieval string . . . . . None Busy, External Hold retrieval string . . . . None Lamp On string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000X Lamp Off string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000X Hang Up string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 Transfer string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FPXXXX External Transfer string . . . . . . . . . . None Ringdown string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None Tenant 1 Fax detect dial string . . . . . . . None Tenant 2 Fax detect dial string . . . . . . . None Tenant 3 Fax detect dial string . . . . . . . None Tenant 4 Fax detect dial string . . . . . . . None Call Pickup string . . . . . . . . . . . . . None Min entry for Directory Dialing . . . . . . . 3 Play Ext. Number For Dir. Dialing . . . . . . Yes Call Queuing hold timer . . . . . . . . . . . 30 sec No. of idle ports for Call Queuing . . . . . 2 Eliminate recording silence . . . . . . . . . No Delay before eliminating silence . . . . . . 75 1 = 16msec Flash timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 1 = 10msec Hang up timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 1 = 10msec Message backup/go-ahead time . . . . . . . . 5 sec >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Default bilingual mode . . . . . . . . . . . English (1) Number of tenants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Intertenant messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . No Port Self Test timer . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 min REPORTS-> As you can clearly see, this was the list for the different system options. I find this only semi-interesting because there is not too much to fool around with. On the other hand, when I saw the 000x numbers at the top of the System Options: Lamp On string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000X Lamp Off string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000X I was wondering what the Lamp On/Off strings were...I guess I will have to figure that one out and follow it up in Part II or III (or whenever I do it). The next section is the Port Options and Usage listings. First, I will show you the Port Options (PO) listing: Reports->PO PORT 1 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3999 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 2 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4000 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 3 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4001 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 4 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4002 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 5 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4003 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 6 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4004 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 7 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4005 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 8 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4006 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 9 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4007 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 10 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4008 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 11 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4009 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 12 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4010 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 13 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4011 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 14 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4012 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 15 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4013 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 16 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4014 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 17 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4015 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 18 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4016 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 19 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4017 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 20 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4018 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 1 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 21 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4019 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 3 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 22 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4020 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 3 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< PORT 23 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . Yes Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4021 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 3 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No PORT 24 OPTIONS In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Allow Msg Notification callouts . . . . . . . No Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4022 Answering Schedule Table . . . . . . . . . . 3 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No REPORTS-> All of these seem quite normal, except for port 24's options: Allow Lamp callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes All of the other ports said 'no' for the callouts..hmm..a sign for the possibility of an exploit? Perhaps, but you first must know more about the phone system you are dealing with and the different extensions setup by your company/school. Anyway, this is something very key and should be noted. Now, the next set of information you can get from the Reports menu is the Port usage: REPORTS->PU PORT USAGE from 08/12/96 18:13 Lamp Update Incoming Calls Net./Notif. Callouts Port Tenant count count total time count total time ----|-----|----------|------------------|------------------| 01 1 0 14679 179:36:53 152 00:53:38 02 1 0 14851 188:46:18 119 00:42:07 03 1 0 14857 188:26:24 133 00:47:38 04 1 0 14885 188:04:23 141 00:48:51 05 1 0 14877 187:47:07 142 00:47:28 06 1 0 14892 185:06:14 123 00:42:53 07 1 0 14863 184:22:14 138 00:47:07 08 1 0 14791 185:42:34 127 00:48:24 09 1 0 14860 186:23:05 117 00:39:23 10 1 0 14855 190:04:15 118 00:40:57 11 1 0 14841 189:50:19 137 00:50:05 12 1 0 14821 191:43:18 119 00:38:34 13 1 0 14868 187:35:43 136 00:39:21 14 1 0 14799 186:42:09 122 00:41:15 15 1 0 14832 188:20:35 119 00:38:20 16 1 0 14874 183:29:06 111 00:37:32 >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< 17 1 0 14812 188:42:27 137 00:43:58 18 1 0 14816 187:05:02 118 00:41:21 19 1 0 14823 191:58:21 120 00:43:41 20 1 0 14810 195:20:42 140 00:47:45 21 1 0 7095 67:36:57 159 00:58:44 22 1 0 8 00:02:30 144 00:46:07 23 1 0 10 00:04:37 100 00:38:35 24 1 0 10 00:01:56 0 00:00:00 This menu shows you the usage of each port on the system, 24 ports in all. Ports 21 - 24 get the least amount of come? Well I am not exactly sure as of yet, what I do know, is that these are the weekend ports. Or atleast that is what the Answering Schedule Table (AST) states, but we will get to that section later in the text. But port 24 is still strange to me because it has no calls out and only 1min 56sec of incoming calls. The next option in discussion is the Mailbox Options (MO) menu. REPORTS->MO MAILBOX OPTIONS Mailbox number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3001 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call Routing Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ÿ Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRL Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Dial Action Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Rings before redirect trf . . . . . . . . . . 3 Directory List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None Directory List to use . . . . . . . . . . . . All Time limit for dialing commands . . . . . . . 6 sec Play Default Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . No MAILBOX OPTIONS Mailbox number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3090 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subscriber Security Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . **** Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . test Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3090 >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Msg Wait Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Next Call Routing Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . 8011 Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Block auto att. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No System Admin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTER Msg Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Local callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Long distance calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . No First Notification Notification number . . . . . . . . . . . . 3090 Call type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internal Notification mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normal Security Code required . . . . . . . . . . . No Second Notification Notification number . . . . . . . . . . . . None Call type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internal Notification mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normal Security Code required . . . . . . . . . . . No Third Notification Notification number . . . . . . . . . . . . None >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Call type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internal Notification mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normal Security Code required . . . . . . . . . . . No Number of msg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Msg playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIFO Msg listen mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All Directory List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All Forced unscreened transfer . . . . . . . . . No External Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . No External Extension Number . . . . . . . . . . None Park/Paging string . . . . . . . . . . . . . None Call Waiting string . . . . . . . . . . . . . FW3090 Call Queuing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Call Announcing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Auto Forwarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fwd Save Auto erase/save of messages . . . . . . . . . Save Message retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Recording conversation beep . . . . . . . . . Yes Transfer-only Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . No Bilingual mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English (1) Use Remote Logon as Direct logon . . . . . . No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Alternate Next CRMB dial option . . . . . . . Option 1 Ask Caller's Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Urgent Msg. Return Time . . . . . . . . . . . None min This menu gives the options for each mailbox, even though I only showed one or two. It shows you the call routing mailboxes, amount of messages, etc.etc.. The only thing interesting I find about this menu is the call routing numbers: 8011,8012,8013,3001,3090. While these maybe different for each phone/voice mail system, these are definetly important numbers. And should be noted. The next section is the Mailbox Directory(MD, by type)/Listing(ML, by number). This menu is not too interesting. It just lists the types of boxes, as in subscriber or guest, or by the department, such as: History Dept. or Computers. It can be helpful if you do not have a phone directory of people extensions. You could just log this listing and print 'em out.. vuala! you have yourself everyone's phone extension in the system. The next options are Mailbox Call Handling Flags (MC)/Access (MA): REPORTS->MC MAILBOX CALL HANDLING PARAMETERS Greeting/ Page Call Call Call Mailbox Type AA DND Greeting Name Announcing Waiting Queuing -------|--------------|---------|---------|-------|-----------|--------|------- 3090 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3091 Subscriber Not Rec. Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3201 Subscriber Not Rec. Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3202 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3203 Subscriber Not Rec. Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3204 Subscriber Not Rec. Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3205 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3207 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3208 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3209 Subscriber Not Rec. Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3210 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3211 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3212 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3213 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3214 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< 3215 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3216 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3218 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3219 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3220 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3222 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3223 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3224 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3225 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3226 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3227 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3229 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3230 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3231 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3232 Subscriber Rec./On Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3233 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3234 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3235 Subscriber Rec./On Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3236 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3237 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No 3238 Subscriber Not Rec. Not Rec. Not Rec. No No No 3239 Subscriber Rec./Off Not Rec. Rec. No No No This menue basically goes through each box to see whether certain mailbox options are turned on or off. Such as whether the owner of box #xxxx has recorded their mailbox name, or their greeting. This box does not have too much use, except if you want to haxor one you can see if someone actually owns it or not. REPORTS->MA MAILBOX ACCESS REPORT from D/at/e Ti:me (I changed the names to xxx, for privacy) Mailbox Extension Type Name Access count --------|----------|-------------------|-------------------------|------------ 3001 None Call Routing ÿ 147 3090 3090 Subscriber test 3 3091 3091 Subscriber ÿ 10 3201 3201 Subscriber First,Last name 0 3202 3202 Subscriber xxxxxxx,RANDY 8 3203 3203 Subscriber PROP SHOP 54 3204 3204 Subscriber ANS.SERVICE 80 3205 3205 Subscriber xxxx, ROBERT 18 3207 3207 Subscriber xxxxxxxx, DANIELLE 16 3208 3208 Subscriber ÿ 2 3209 3209 Subscriber ÿ 0 3210 3210 Subscriber ÿ 0 3211 3211 Subscriber ÿ 13 3212 3212 Subscriber xxxxx,DOT 171 3213 3213 Subscriber xxxxxxx, Jeff 11 This menu just list the mailboxes, the extensions, the type, the owner, and the access count. The access count and type are the only very informative sections of this menu. If you wanted to haxor yourself an account, you would check the access count in order to see whether or not the owner actually gets calls, as in messages left. If they do not, then you may have yourself an idle box..woohoo! Also the mailbox type is cool, because it allows you to see the different call routers on the system. As you can see 3001 is a call router. The next section concerns the Mailbox Message Usage (MU)/Status (MS) options: REPORTS->MU MAILBOX MESSAGE USAGE (I xxx out the names for privacy) Mailbox Name Total Msg Oldest Message % Disk Used -------|-------------------------|-----------|----------------|--------------- 3090 test 0 3091 ÿ 0 3201 xxxxxxx,RICHARD 1 02/15/1997 10:44 0.01 3202 xxxxxxx,RANDY 1 01/29/1997 08:17 0.01 3203 PROP SHOP 4 02/26/1997 15:52 0.02 3204 ANS.SERVICE 0 3205 xxxxx,ROBERT 2 02/27/1997 09:43 0.01 3207 xxxxxxxxx,DANIELLE 0 3208 ÿ 1 01/21/1997 10:50 0.00 3209 ÿ 6 01/22/1997 19:32 0.01 3210 ÿ 1 01/23/1997 08:59 0.00 3211 ÿ 0 3212 xxxxx,DOT 0 3213 xxxxxxx, Jeff 1 02/26/1997 09:15 0.01 3214 JOHNSON 0 Total Messages 17 Free Messages 26137 Free Pointer 1448 ******* 82.30% (146.98 hours) Disk Space Available For Messages ****** Yet another menu that goes through each box listing information about it. It says plainly the total messages on it, the owner, and the % of Disk Space used. Not too much information, but it never hurts to see something new. REPORTS->MS * = Mailbox almost full -------- MESSAGE STATUS -------------- Mailbox # Name Total Not Heard Latest Message ------------|---------------------------|---------|---------|----------------- MB##### last, first name messgs nh# date...time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Add or Remove mailboxes: Press A or R, then mailbox # or #-#, then Enter. To Find a mailbox within the report: Press F, then mailbox #, then Enter. Scroll Up = Enter, Scroll Down = Tab, Page Up = U, Page Down = D , Exit = Esc ENTRY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the menu that I find the most interesting. When listed, it actually shows the different Mailbox#s, owners, total msgs, not heard messages, and the latest message. But since this was a 'LightBar' menu, the listing was distorted. Anyway, this interestingly enough allows a person to Add or Remove a mailbox. While I have not tested this to a great extent, that is what the menu says. To Add or Remove a box, you would type: A#### on the 'ENTRY:' space at the bottom of the menu. I think anyone would find this interesting, and perhaps a gapping hole in the mailbox system. The next section of discussion is the Callout Options (CO)/Logs (CL): REPORTS->CO CALLOUT OPTIONS Tenant 1 Digital pager callback number . . . . . . . . None Delay in dialing pager callback number . . . 13 sec Delay before pager announcement . . . . . . . 18 sec Acc. dgts before local callout . . . . . . . None Acc. dgts before long dist. callout . . . . . None Tenant 2 Digital pager callback number . . . . . . . . None Delay in dialing pager callback number . . . 13 sec Delay before pager announcement . . . . . . . 18 sec Acc. dgts before local callout . . . . . . . None Acc. dgts before long dist. callout . . . . . None Tenant 3 Digital pager callback number . . . . . . . . None Delay in dialing pager callback number . . . 13 sec >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Delay before pager announcement . . . . . . . 18 sec Acc. dgts before local callout . . . . . . . None Acc. dgts before long dist. callout . . . . . None Tenant 4 Digital pager callback number . . . . . . . . None Delay in dialing pager callback number . . . 13 sec Delay before pager announcement . . . . . . . 18 sec Acc. dgts before local callout . . . . . . . None Acc. dgts before long dist. callout . . . . . None For All Tenants Wait between pager callouts . . . . . . . . . 5 min Wait between nonpager callouts . . . . . . . 2 min Number of callout attempts . . . . . . . . . 2 Wait between RNA callouts . . . . . . . . . . 5 min Wait between BUSY callouts . . . . . . . . . 2 min Send pager callouts until ack. . . . . . . . No Number of rings per callout . . . . . . . . . 5 Enable callout report . . . . . . . . . . . . No This menu is just purely informational about the Calling Out options. You can not change any- thing, nor is it too informing. Once again, it does not hurt to see new info. REPORTS->CL CALLOUTS from 08/12/96 18:13 Callout Log is empty hmm..interesting. Well, on to the next options...the Auto Attendant per Port (AAP)/Trunk (AAT). REPORTS->AAP Port 1 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 2 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 3 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 4 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 5 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 6 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 7 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 8 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 9 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 10 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 11 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 12 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 13 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 14 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 15 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 16 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 17 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 18 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 19 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 20 | Answer Schedule Table 1 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Mo-Fr 07:30 | Mo-Fr 19:30 | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 8011 | 8012 | | Call Routing | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 1 | DAT 2 | | 0 U-Trf 0 | 0 Record1 4296 | | 1 Undef None | 1 Undef None | | 2 Undef None | 2 Undef None | | 3 U-Trf XXXX | 3 U-Trf XXXX | | 4 Record1 XXXX | 4 Record1 XXXX | | 5 Undef None | 5 Undef None | | 6 Dir (L) None | 6 Dir (L) None | | 7 Goto 8013 | 7 Goto 8013 | | 8 Undef None | 8 Undef None | | 9 Hang up None | 9 Hang up None | | * Record1 IV | * Record1 IV | | # Logon None | # Logon None | | TO U-Trf 0 |TO Record1 4296 | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 21 | Answer Schedule Table 3 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Su-Sa 08:00 | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 4290 | | | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 4 | | | 0 Trf 0 | | | 1 Undef None | | | 2 Undef None | | | 3 Record1 XXXX | | | 4 Undef None | | | 5 Undef None | | | 6 Undef None | | | 7 Undef None | | | 8 Undef None | | | 9 Hang up None | | | * Record1 IV | | | # Logon None | | | TO Trf 0 | | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 22 | Answer Schedule Table 3 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Su-Sa 08:00 | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 4290 | | | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 4 | | | 0 Trf 0 | | | 1 Undef None | | | 2 Undef None | | | 3 Record1 XXXX | | | 4 Undef None | | | 5 Undef None | | | 6 Undef None | | | 7 Undef None | | | 8 Undef None | | | 9 Hang up None | | | * Record1 IV | | | # Logon None | | | TO Trf 0 | | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 23 | Answer Schedule Table 3 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Su-Sa 08:00 | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 4290 | | | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 4 | | | 0 Trf 0 | | | 1 Undef None | | | 2 Undef None | | | 3 Record1 XXXX | | | 4 Undef None | | | 5 Undef None | | | 6 Undef None | | | 7 Undef None | | | 8 Undef None | | | 9 Hang up None | | | * Record1 IV | | | # Logon None | | | TO Trf 0 | | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< Port 24 | Answer Schedule Table 3 Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 * Su-Sa 08:00 | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | | | | | | | 4290 | | | Call Routing | | | | | | | DAT 4 | | | 0 Trf 0 | | | 1 Undef None | | | 2 Undef None | | | 3 Record1 XXXX | | | 4 Undef None | | | 5 Undef None | | | 6 Undef None | | | 7 Undef None | | | 8 Undef None | | | 9 Hang up None | | | * Record1 IV | | | # Logon None | | | TO Trf 0 | | | >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 5 | Schedule 6 | Schedule 7 | Schedule 8 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 9 | Schedule 10 | Schedule 11 | Schedule 12 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 13 | Schedule 14 | Schedule 15 | Schedule 16 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule 17 | Schedule 18 | Schedule 19 | Schedule 20 Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined This menu is fairly informative because it tells you the different port auto answering schedules. It would be important if you are trying to locate a Call out number. Ports 21-24 are only used on saturdays and sundays, so you would not bother with their call router numbers during the week. Likewise, you would not bother with the weekday call routers on the weekend. REPORTS->AAT Working..... There are NO Trunk Mailboxes No trunk mailboxes huh? How bout trunk extensions? This is something to look into and will be added in future sections of the VSM8 texts. The next section is the Answering Schedule Table(AST): REPORTS->AST ANSWERING SCHEDULE TABLE 1 Note: * = Schedule In Effect Schedule Day/Date Time Mailbox 1 Mo-Fr 07:30 8011 2* Mo-Fr 19:30 8012 3 None None None 4 None None None 5 None None None 6 None None None 7 None None None 8 None None None 9 None None None 10 None None None 11 None None None 12 None None None 13 None None None 14 None None None 15 None None None 16 None None None 17 None None None 18 None None None 19 None None None 20 None None None >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ANSWERING SCHEDULE TABLE 2 Note: * = Schedule In Effect Schedule Day/Date Time Mailbox 1 Mo-Fr 08:00 8021 2 Mo-Fr 12:00 8022 3 Mo-Th 17:00 8023 4* Fr 17:00 8024 5 None None None 6 None None None 7 None None None 8 None None None 9 None None None 10 None None None 11 None None None 12 None None None 13 None None None 14 None None None 15 None None None 16 None None None 17 None None None 18 None None None 19 None None None 20 None None None >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ANSWERING SCHEDULE TABLE 3 Note: * = Schedule In Effect Schedule Day/Date Time Mailbox 1* Su-Sa 08:00 4290 2 None None None 3 None None None 4 None None None 5 None None None 6 None None None 7 None None None 8 None None None 9 None None None 10 None None None 11 None None None 12 None None None 13 None None None 14 None None None 15 None None None 16 None None None 17 None None None 18 None None None 19 None None None 20 None None None >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< ANSWERING SCHEDULE TABLE 4 Note: * = Schedule In Effect Schedule Day/Date Time Mailbox 1 Mo-Fr 08:00 8041 2 Mo-Fr 12:00 8042 3 Mo-Th 17:00 8043 4* Fr 17:00 8044 5 None None None 6 None None None 7 None None None 8 None None None 9 None None None 10 None None None 11 None None None 12 None None None 13 None None None 14 None None None 15 None None None 16 None None None 17 None None None 18 None None None 19 None None None 20 None None None This is very interesting because it shows the Answering Schedules, meaning the days of the week and time for the different Call Routers to answer. This would give rest to the routers working the longest amount, such as 8011,8012, & 8013. The next section is the Dial Action Table (DAT): REPORTS->DAT DIAL ACTION TABLE 1 Key Action Number 0 U-Transfer 0 1 Undefined None 2 Undefined None 3 U-Transfer XXXX 4 Record 1 XXXX 5 Undefined None 6 Directory (L) None 7 Goto 8013 8 Undefined None 9 Hang up None * Record 1 IV # Logon None TO U-Transfer 0 >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< DIAL ACTION TABLE 2 Key Action Number 0 Record 1 4296 1 Undefined None 2 Undefined None 3 U-Transfer XXXX 4 Record 1 XXXX 5 Undefined None 6 Directory (L) None 7 Goto 8013 8 Undefined None 9 Hang up None * Record 1 IV # Logon None TO Record 1 4296 >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< DIAL ACTION TABLE 3 Key Action Number 0 Undefined None 1 Record 1 4270 2 Record 1 4271 3 Record 1 4272 4 Record 1 4273 5 Record 1 4274 6 Record 1 4275 7 Record 1 4276 8 Record 1 4277 9 Record 1 4278 * Goto 8015 # Logon None TO U-Transfer 0 This cool because it shows the commands for Recording, forwarding, etc. The only problem is, what phone/extension to use it on? Does your phone have to be a superuser phone? This *will* be followed up in another part. The next section is the Distribution Lists (DL): REPORTS->DL DISTRIBUTION LIST 1 Distribution List 1 is used in Distribution mailbox (es): Mailbox Name Dept ----------|--------------------------|----------- 8050 GROUP 1 Distribution List 1 contains the following mailbox (es): Mailbox Name Dept Type ----------|--------------------------|------------|------------- 3222 xxxxxx, DENNIS Subscriber 3232 xxxxx, KARIN Subscriber 3237 xxxxx, LEE Subscriber 3242 xxxxxxxx, ANN Subscriber 3261 xxxxxxxxx, MICHAEL Subscriber 3306 xxxxxxxxxx, GEOF Subscriber As you can see, it shows the Department mailbox, then the different teachers/workers boxes. This is nothing to big, but shows who works where, what students are in which grade. I cut half of the logging out because it would be way too long. There are over 19 distribution lists, plus 81 empty ones. Some of these lists are big as hell. The next section is the Error Log (ER) listing. This is just fun to see what the actual admins are up to..nuthin to special: REPORTS->ER SYSTEM ERROR AND ACTIVITY LOG from 08/01/96 11:39 Date Time Logged Event ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 02/22/97 15:43:50 << VoiceSupport Model 8 (V5.10 - db29) alive >> 02/22/97 02:31:47 Language 2 is same as Language 1 02/22/97 02:31:46 C:\VM\ENGLISH.NDX 02/22/97 02:31:46 Language 1 file opened: 02/22/97 02:31:45 Voice Mail System startup 02/22/97 02:30:36 Shutting down the Voice Mail System 02/22/97 02:30:36 Starting PARTIAL Daily Maintenance 02/22/97 02:29:36 << VoiceSupport Model 8 (V5.10 - db29) alive >> 02/21/97 02:31:49 Language 2 is same as Language 1 02/21/97 02:31:48 C:\VM\ENGLISH.NDX 02/21/97 02:31:48 Language 1 file opened: 02/21/97 02:31:47 Voice Mail System startup 02/21/97 02:30:38 Shutting down the Voice Mail System 02/21/97 02:30:38 Starting PARTIAL Daily Maintenance 02/21/97 02:29:38 << VoiceSupport Model 8 (V5.10 - db29) alive >> 02/20/97 14:16:30 Mailbox 4316 database was updated 02/20/97 14:15:47 << VoiceSupport Model 8 (V5.10 - db29) alive >> >>> Press Enter to continue or Esc to exit. <<< 02/20/97 02:31:45 Language 2 is same as Language 1 02/20/97 02:31:45 C:\VM\ENGLISH.NDX 02/20/97 02:31:45 Language 1 file opened: 02/20/97 02:31:44 Voice Mail System startup 02/20/97 02:30:34 Shutting down the Voice Mail System 02/20/97 02:30:34 Starting PARTIAL Daily Maintenance 02/20/97 02:29:34 << VoiceSupport Model 8 (V5.10 - db29) alive >> 02/19/97 19:22:53 Mailbox 3946 database was updated 02/19/97 19:22:23 << VoiceSupport Model 8 (V5.10 - db29) alive >> 02/19/97 13:49:01 Mailbox 3768 database was updated 02/19/97 13:48:39 << VoiceSupport Model 8 (V5.10 - db29) alive >> 02/19/97 13:47:44 Mailbox 3773 database was updated 02/19/97 13:47:38 << VoiceSupport Model 8 (V5.10 - db29) alive >> 02/19/97 02:31:40 Language 2 is same as Language 1 02/19/97 02:31:40 C:\VM\ENGLISH.NDX 02/19/97 02:31:39 Language 1 file opened: 02/19/97 02:31:39 Voice Mail System startup 02/19/97 02:30:30 Shutting down the Voice Mail System 02/19/97 02:30:30 Starting PARTIAL Daily Maintenance 02/19/97 02:29:29 << VoiceSupport Model 8 (V5.10 - db29) alive >> 02/18/97 21:34:54 Mailbox 4499 database was updated 02/18/97 21:33:56 << VoiceSupport Model 8 (V5.10 - db29) alive >> Now the next option is the Print All Reports (AL) option, which I do not think is necesary unless you are an admin doing a report, or a whacked out haxor trying to get caught. The final option is the Exit Menu (E) option. This will get you back to the main menu. Well, that is the basic idea behind the View/Print Reports menu. It is nuthing too special, but very very informative. It can help you locate a few important phone extensions as call routers, which point towards a PBX =] Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this first part of the Voice Support Model 8 (VSM8) text file that only had to do with the V/P Reports section. In the future other sections will be added and updates will be added as well. So checkya later and DONT GET CAUGHT DOING ANYTHING SPECIAL!! ****************************FREE SPEECH FREE SPEECH FREE SPEECH********************************* Written by: andrewr Helped by: The Mechanic Written for: Digital Misfit Syndicate (DMS) Thanks to the mechanic for his all of his help =] 2/28/97